With the direction HOI4 is taking, a UK rework would offer a lot of potential
The Yugoslav resistance was number one
Pirates of Carribean reference in the Raj alt-historical dev diaries (Paradox has gone crazy)
Graveyard of Empires’ India looks horrible
With the recent change to Burma, do you think Paradox will have it break away from the UK when it goes down the alternate history paths?
Best template for historical USSR?
Which of these three leaders had the most impact on the world?
Hoi4 needs an « Allies Conference » mechanic
Are you excited for the new graveyard of empires dlc? What do you hope is absolutely in it?
Are you still using special projets?
How to win historically the Civil War as Communist China?
What are your expectations for Graveyard of Empires?
If the next DLC is Asia-focused, what country would you like to be enhanced?
Brainrot Eu4
New German DLC summarized
If you didn't trust sub spam before, it certainly works now. This is beyond insane. Fleet submarines are just crazy.
Paradox seriously has to add an option for a British-German conditional peace
What Special Projects are worth doing?
How do you deal with « Economy of Conquest » as Germany?
What’s next for HOI4 after Gotterdamerung and Graveyard of Empires?
All the parts of the Germany alt history Branch (From dev diary)
What are your "comfort nations" you always come back to and why?
Who would you say won EU4 historically...?
Just imagine a witcher game with this entire map available in open world
European economics explained with cows