Sorry to offend but M not a peddler or a middle dealer, that u'll be asking to get u a score. If u can't hangout, then pls don't ping me.
1st hand rolled after a month long break
1st hand roll after a month long break
Sukoon continued...!!!
Morning guys, sup
Scored Yesterday
Today I lost my dog(Snowy). He never in his life but anyone.
My cat died😢
I am hollow from inside now
Scored yesterday
If being cute was a job, I’d be the CEO
My boy died today, all I can think about now is how much I miss him.
Bong store in pune?
My hubbies Doberman or my Rottweiler, take your pick
Got this cutiepie sleeping beauty home… can you suggest a good name for him..?
Max is freaking crazy for balls
Aag lage basti me, max apni masti me
Hello hoomans, max's back, meeting max aft a long time
Hello hoomans, meet max, meeting him aft a long time