My old man had started struggling with the heavy stuffie he's had since he was a kitten, so I took the plastic pellets out of the legs to make it lighter, and he was so happy he brought it over and over.
A very good morning indeed!
This is the one that needs to go viral. This one right here. You are Harpo's closest friends. Make this happen.
I want you all to understand just how profoundly life-changing the outpouring of love for Harpo has been so you can understand how profoundly grateful I am for it.
My beloved Harpo has laid down the sea monster I gave him 16 years ago for the last time.
The sea monster carries Harpo now.
Harpo had his sea monster for 16 years.
Harpo's first TikTok. I hope it won't be one of the last.
So many Harpo fans have asked how they can help. Here's one way!
This baby hasn’t used this fish in almost 2 years and finally decides it is fit for use
My 13 year old lady was approved for declaw salvage surgery today!
So. Much. Bubble. Wrap. SO MUCH.
Shopper found dead in parking lot of NE Portland Fred Meyer killed while trying to stop purse snatching, police say
So many people who loved Harpo have asked how they might help me keep going without him, thank you.
29% of voters who broke with Harris cite Gaza as top reason
Cleaning down comforter after cat peed on it
Bubble Backpack Cat Carrier (Cat not Included)
My brain is finally starting to let me interact with people again without dissociating after just a couple replies. Thank you for still being here.
Neil took more than just sex from women without permission. He also took a lot of Sandman.
People keep comparing Joss Whedon to Neil Gaiman, and it's weird and needs to be discussed.
TikTok prepares for US shutdown from Sunday, sources say
It hurts more now than it did a month ago. For this is not just the grief of losing a pet.
I moved the litter box to a different spot in the house and this asshole protested by pissing directly on my pillow a few hours later.
Remembering the kitties that left us in 2024 💫
TIL Presiden Lyndon B. Johnson called his big johnson “Jumbo” and would show it to journalists and members of congress to show he was bigger than them. He also peed on a Secret Service agent just to prove he could get away with it.
Neighbors bringing in rats