hello there why are ya stalking my account feel free to share
idk if this is the right flair but any book recommendations where one of the mc has a nightmare
WIBTA if I bought a copy of jewelry that i lost
WIBTA I lost a gift that a parent got me and want to secretly buy a copy
I don't get the last one
Is this you guys?
Deck of Destiny card #2 and #3
thanks for saying good night also who is said hungry guy
I need songs 🥲
Why are all Pisces placements ♓ so dark/scary? 😭😭😭🙏
are you on here fellow aussie
what two songs on shuffle one after the other make you happy
Hi friends! I'm offering 3 mini Hidden Truth readings for free! Do not DM for a free reading. Comment here and I'll select who I'm drawn to 🖤
What duo is this?
What the hell is that name XD
[all] Take a song title and make it Percy Jackson.
heres a challenge for you
What really pisses of a Taurus?
Whose castle is that?
is this even comfortable...