MIL wants to spend a week with hubby right after our wedding
name tiktok
I started & finished the whole show in one night.
Burrito gorl
Birthday at the mall
Will Emilie resent Brady?
What dose should I start with?
Did ozempic cause any of you to get acne?
This photo cracks me up
Has social anxiety but goes to target with under eye patches 😂
B’s gift to her
All of that $ on renovations and this is what she came up with?
Has she ever eaten a vegetable in her life?
Her “fAvOrItE” stuff always happens to be an easily linkable Amazon product. She needs to get out of her house once in a while and do some in person shopping to see what else is out there in the world.
Children with Nannies in public and no security..
ariana isn't holding space here
Alex's new girlfriend way prettier then Sierra.
You guys r witches bc piggy nose came true
Pig nose
I beg your finest pardon
Elf on the shelf
Advice to get my MIL to move out?