Question: why doesn't wakanda help?
She... pays you for sex?
Do they do much else with Jade Mountain?
Who is the most evil?
What’s the deal?
How do the dragons…reproduce?
Favorite character that gets mischaracterized by a lot of people?
I am scared
is the earl mask glitched?
what levels/enemy is the most frustrating for you?
Just admitted to parents that I have a addiction
does Morgan get better later on?
Is there an actual story?
I can’t anymore
Season 8 ep 5
Jacket is internally labeled as "Fool"
Best missile or rocket?
Can you actually raid other people’s bases
Comment your favorite gun and I'll roast you (image unrelated)
Biggest troll
I don’t know anymore
What BR class keeps you PARANOID?
airpod damge advice
airpod damge