Leave his ass in there!
Fastest Hot Breakfast Ideas
My mom has good taste
Considering how much he's preached about his fear for his children, he sure doesn't take their safety seriously. What father doesn't put a life jacket on his child or himself?
Mel Silver
Kourtney’s Instagram post today - with a little twist! 😉
Am I crazy or can y’all also see it?
I've Never Got This Before
The 90s was the golden era of Chuck E Cheeses. 🍕🐀🎮
My boyfriend likes to call the bins “pound town.”
Khloe's Instagram Story
Not KJ sister Posting those photos on snap to feed the PR.
Small, touching moments
Selena’s Microphone
In case anyone thought Kim was being original
Have a GREAT drinking game for yall…
RTO - questions for CEO
Anybody think Robyn turned Kody on
Main reason why I don't keep friends close.
I need this pinata . I need to call around it's March
Found in the wild 🎈
One Red Balloon
So am I good to keep sleeping through this or will I die