101 Years Ago the Caliphate was Abolished
Umayyad Hispania at its greatest extent in 719 AD
How true is the claim that communists and extreme leftists do not pay much attention to hygiene?
I guess it’s all about small population and lack of development in Balkans, what do you think?
How is dating life without a car in your country/city?
Why is China seen as an enemy?
How do you keep your Slack status green while working remotely?
33 European defense companies which are in the world's top 100 list by their defence revenue
Does long hair or short hair look better on me
How did Erdoğan host Zelensky vs How did Trump host Zelensky
Advice for someone who feels ugly all the time
Bu ülke için savaşır mısınız?
At what age do children start doing errands/taking transport on their own?
Let's talk about the European Defense Federation. How do we all feel about the creation of a fully mobilised continental Army?
LGBT olmayan ve malum yasa taslagini onemsiz gorenler, bu eninde sonunda sizi de etkileyecek, sakin unutmayin.
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ODTÜ'de öğrenciler LGBTİ+ haklarına saldırıyı protesto etti: Nefret yasasına karşı duruyoruz
Are European Universities Really Worth It? The Costly Obsession of Turkish Students
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PKK declares ceasefire in 40-year conflict with Turkiye
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Zelenskyy declines to apologize to Trump after heated Oval Office meeting
Number of cars per 1000 people in Europe
My head cannon as to why the reanimen are weaker in season 3