Weird Dosing
Adding engine oil on next refuel
What Happens After Auto & Allo stem cell transplant fail?
Should I quit art?? Be real
just found out i have hodgkins lymphoma
anyone else?
Looking to join feminist club
Don't know what to do next.. or do nothing at all
Mass became smaller in neck
life sucks after BMT
I’m in remission!
Dog is growling during day time
CUTIE GETS FACE FUCKED HARD, anyone know name or source???
Throat after ASCT
Fertility post BEAM
Driving with one year old in the car had to suddenly slam on breaks.
Knee pain post ASCT
Why do people hate Chemistry?
Been lurking this subreddit for weeks…
Xanax press and oxycodone ?
ASCT success stories?
Help me🥲
I didn’t miss match my AirPods but for some reason the software thinks I did. What do i do?
Remission!!! After 8 different types of treatment (cHL)