Why did so many games feature GameCube 3D models?
Age Range
Sears Electric 1 Knob Failure?
Would you keep only the Gamecube?
2 Wavebirds, 1 Receiver
Stickers and feet
GBA SP Poor Battery Connection?
Nintendo e-Reader - instant Read Error when choosing Scan Card
Constant Read Errors
Can I Add a Floppy Disk Drive Port? (Unpopulated DSKT)
My most recent aquisition
How Many Gamecubes Do You Own?
Gamecube Online Service?
What Other 6th Gen Consoles Do You Own?
Sometimes, a dinky little mono CRT is all you need.
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As someone who adores the Wii U and the 3DS, it feels jarring to be in the minority for wanting more features for the Switch's successor.
Someone wanting more features for the Switch or its successor doesn't make it "less of a video game console".
do you think Gamecube would of achieve more success if Nintendo kept Rareware on their side?
GameCube with brand new laser won’t read discs
I feel like Scott the Woz made the pro controller video to flex his crt
Shorter DC games
Are there any games that REQUIRE the VMU's screen to properly play the game? Or games that you'll miss significant parts of the experience without a VMU screen?
Error message when booting Wii games purchased from Wii U eshop
I love the VMUs! Got more VMUs than games
PSO questions