Fr Calvin Robinson finishes his remarks with Nazi salute at National "Pro-Life" Summit
What's A Meh tank with opinions that are divided?
Which 4th president do you believe belongs in this category?
What could be more scary if it was 10 times it's size?
Michigan Freikorps Unit Spawns on Lake Huron
What is your tank with most kills? this is my top 8 (Dont judge me reserve britain is so fun)
The left is completely demoralized
Are there any Democrats in this server that voted for Romney? Or any Republicans that voted for Obama in 2012?
Which president is the best speaker?
I’m sure they will get to it at some point…
A timeline where John Allen Chau manages to bring Christianity onto North Sentinel Island without being killed and leaves North Sentinel Island unharmed, but inadvertently kickstarts the Sentinelese Civil War after his departure.
How would I teach someone Hoi4 effectively?
The decision for a 5th head on Mt. Rushmore is down to these two, both for their heroism in WW2. Which would you choose?
Who wins this hypothetical war?
The Truth
Judging by the hate, I think some of yall play Germany to much 💀.
What’s the hardest presidential PAINTING?
Mods to play with Country Randomizer?
Guys I think something broke!!??
Which five presidents do you think had the largest impact on shaping the presidency?
infantry is op
What’s the HARDEST presidential pic?
What were some presidents that would have done way better if elected at a different time?
Best Doctrine for Mech build?