[OC] Colossal 10.2” Chonky Dragon Miniature Giveaway (Banana for scale) + Dice! [Mods Approved]
Funny "bossight" player character idea versus my friend's
Funny "bossfight" player character idea against my friend's
Funny "bossfight" player character against my friend
Is there a location in a video game that feels like a second home to you?
Finally landed a good backstory for my BBEG from before!
What's one video game people take too seriously?
Magic cat item I made to be an... "asset" to the party
Help developing a motive for my BBEG
Help designing a villain/a villain's motive
Finally landed on a villain and motive I like for my campaign!
Efficient and effective ways to run games... I'm confused
Monster suggestions for inside a beast's stomach
Monster suggestions for inside an extra-dimensional beast's stomach