Is there a way to turn off these annoying summaries? If I want to know what a video is about I’ll just. You know. Watch it…?
We cant even swear now?
[PC][1990-1999] Old Educational videogames
Games with high difficulty modes that feel fair and fun
Looking for no-nonsense turn-based RPG
Good indie horror games with little to no puzzles?
Games with complete and total freedom of movement.
How do you, as an atheist ground the laws of logic?
What suggestions for games to play completely alone as an extrovert with adhd do you guys have?
I'm looking for a turn based game that requires you to setup things in combat
Looking for achievement-based games with a focus on progression and collecting
How can we prove that other people are conscious just as us?
If the American government had a credit score, what would it be?
What are you thinking right now?
How did you find out what you wanted to do for a living?
What is a 10/10 movie that should only be watched once?
Games with amazing art direction? (that aren't realism)
Games with Characters You Actually Connect With
What game(s) do you play mainly and how many hours did you put in it?
Gloomy+melancholy dark fantasy vibe like Diablo 1?
If all the titans from AOT existed, how quickly would we eradicate them ?
Mmos with relatively small download sizes compared to the rest
What is the best tv series you have watched?
What game belongs on this list that I haven't played?
looking for good exploration mmo rpg?