How Oil Companies Validate Radiometric Dating (and Why That Matters for Evolution)
White-Tailed Moose-Deer Hybrid
Tiktaalik Wasn’t Evolving Toward Land? Here’s Why That’s Completely Wrong
Revisiting 'Kinds': I Think I’ve Found a Better Definition
How Can Birds Be Dinosaurs If Evolution Doesn’t Change Animals Into Different Kinds?
Homo Wajaknesis: A Visual Guide to an Ancient Species
Struggling with Family Over Beliefs on Evolution
Does anyone here love both cryptozoology & paleontology? Does anyone here love cryptid because the possibility of prehistoric animal survive into modern day?
Exploring the Stone Tape Theory: Can Residual Hauntings Happen Anywhere?
Debunking Creationist Misquotes: Context and Clarifications from Leading Biologists on Evolution
My Pastor (my uncle) Brought up a Point About Abiogenesis, and I Don't Agree
Why Ancient Plant Fossils Challenge the Flood Theory
I Think I Can Finally Answer the Big Question: What Is a "Kind" in Science?
Bear Dogs: Cryptid Survivors of the Ice Age?
New Cryptid?
New Research Reveals Modern Humans and Neanderthals May Be More Alike Than We Thought
Could Homo floresiensis Still Be Alive Today? The 1700s Sightings, Myths, and Fossils That Might Point to a Hidden Survival
Frustration in Trying to Share Evidence with a Creationist Family
Frustration in Discussing Evolution with Unwavering Young Earth Believers
A framework for understanding macro- and micro-evolution and speciation for everyone
Is Orwell's Quote Misapplied in the Science vs. Faith Debate?
Adaptive Creationism: Reconciling Divine Design with Adaptation
Why Noah's Ark Math Doesn't Add Up: A Case for Evolution
It Kinda Bothers Me When Creationists Just Avoid All the Clear Evidence for Evolution and Twist It to Fit Their Narrative