Failed again
Are these scans ?
Any guys in wrexham looking to make new friends?
Anyone got any advice
Arctic Monkeys opinions?!?
Ask r/Formula1 Anything - Daily Discussion Thread
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Is it okay to adjust mirrors before or during a manoeuvre on the test?
New to wrexham.
"Lotto is a tax on stupid people" or is it?
Shows that are past their sell by date
how badass can you be?🤣
Failed first test , can anyone explain my minors for me please.
What did your mates have at their houses, that now you're a grown up doesn't seem that fancy, but to you as a kid seemed fancy AF?
Wrexham Maelor Hospital - unsure how to get here public transport
Back of grid
What’s the most “normal” thing that feels suspiciously illegal when you do it?
Just failed
Say thank you?
What would happen if the Derry Girls met the Inbetweeners (pretending they are all from the early 00s to age them the same and meet halfway)?
I got a test booked 40mins away from at the end of month. Idk how I’m gunna get there, or what im gunna do
London practical test - instructor charged me double
Where to start?
How should a driving instructor be?