Promoting a pro natalist culture
“I want more babies in America,” JD Vance says in his first public address as vice-president
I think we should do something about r/natalism?
Why can’t the US have affordable childcare?
Canada has an extreme excess in males
why is it always "single mothers this, single mothers that" on this sub ?
Don't let concern trolling push simplistic Reddit politics to Natalism
I hate how misanthropic and child- hating society (or the internet at least) has become
Looking for smaller Natalism Sub
I'm gay
Want to improve the birth rate? Stop being so harsh on mothers.
Social media makes it seem like pregnancy is the worst thing that can happen to you.
To Encourage Families, We Must Address the Bigger Picture.
This sub spends more time fighting with itself than doing anything meaningful
Anyone else hope their kid doesn't have kids?
Did having 3 kids change your marriage?
Am i a bad husband and person if I tell my wife "No" to having a 3rd child?
Ez way to raise birth rates 100% no click bait
This sub is for PRO-Natalist content only
What Pronatalism Across Government Could Look Like
This sub should ban family size / offspring count shaming.
The true cause of Low fertility rates
How will an increasingly growing, global, right-wing political movement affect the fertility rates ?
What’s a feasible amount of kids to have in USA
Am I screwed?