Hey mom. When's the best time to get married?
Broken Fridge Empty Tummy
Broken Fridge
Broken fridge Empty tummies
I need a little help to survive just over a week street sleeping
We are officially poor... yay
I just want a friend.
In need of a decent loan shark
Late Bond Payments
Eye in the (Sky)
Cant take it in -
Not sure what happened
I need to type this
I got a lot of Christmas presents and it was overwhelming
I hate being alive, I hate this, I am done. but i would do it over and over again.
I need help with my 5 year old…
39/f Needs assistance please - all on your terms
Help this shitty mom (me)
Help needed
Wife (36F) ruined my (38M) staycation and I'm trying not to lose it.
I am so fucking tired
How do smokers handle an 8 hour flight ?
wtf is going on on Quora
I can't grow anything, then weed came along