My BDSM Test Results:
they openly admit to wanting insecure women so they won’t leave them. it doesn’t get more fucking overt than this.
Sick of the donuts.
God forbid a boy does some hand holding 🤗
God forbid a boy fills up a cookie with his Nutella
God forbid a girl wants a cookie
God forbid a boy want to try something different for a change 🙄
God forbid a flexible girl
God forbid a boy suggests favors
POV: Us 15 minutes after we arrive back from our romantic date at Crack Barrel 😍
This sub can’t be real
Welcome to Serious Gynarchy - No transphobia allowed!
God forbid a boy admire a woman’s headpiece
Heaven forbidith a boy pegs a girl instead
God forbid a boy have a goal
is it a crime to not be a femboy but still wanna be dommed
just found the subreddit and they scare me
This is RELEVANT HERE: Quintology
God forbid a girl be shy and wary
What fictional dommy mommies would you most like to have be a part of your dream pegging rotation?
God forbid a boy doesn’t have a title
God forbid a boy BE the mommy #dommymommybf
God forbid a boy purposefully want a girlfailure
God forbid a boy need to do a bit of studying
There’s no meme this is just a horny post
God forbid a boy nut inside his mechanic gf
God forbid a boy princess carry a muscular warrior woman 💪