The headline should say “Incoming president launches unannounced unaudited scam coin with 80% of all tokens allocated to himself 3 days before inauguration to quickly suck dry citizens”
Whispers vibes [spoilers AFFC]
TIL that in utero, a third artery temporarily runs down the arm to help with the development of the hand. By 8 weeks after birth, this artery usually disappears. For unknown reasons, people are retaining this artery as adults, and it's now three times as prevalent as it was 100 years ago
You can't "accidentally" execute prisoners, if there is no prisoners to begin with
TIL: The "Simple Sabotage Field Manual" was declassified in 2008 and it contains advice on how spies can sabotage the enemy by just being maliciously incompetent. Advice include praising inefficient coworkers, cry and sob frequently at work, asking inane questions in meetings, and spreading gossip.
Yet more AI generated nonsense masquerading as factual text book. This time on malaria. Published by Springer.
Adolf Hitler and several Nazi officials survey the Great Gustav, the largest artillery cannon ever built at 155 feet long, 1350 tonnes in weight, with 11-foot shells weighing seven tonnes each. c. 1941
Name a character who's still likable despite being a prick.
Pretty Accurate
[fan art] Take me to Church - A Gideon the Ninth version
Die Beförderung
Not a tattoo, but...
Books where the protagonist wins because they are smart
Rural Germany in 1937 | Restored & Colorized Footage with Added Ambient Sound
Finally found an AI slop article in the wild!
Ich traue mich nicht online zu zocken
German cabinet plans to allow military to shoot down illegal drones, draft shows
Saddam Hussein hiding in my western blot
Germany delivers 155-mm shells and combat drones to Ukraine
Anti Hitler postcard (1940s)
Gläubige Christen weltweit gerade
Another scandal shaking up Germany: AfD in Karlsruhe have put fake "deportation tickets" into the postboxes of people with non German names
Oldest/weirdest thing you've found while cleaning your lab?
Found this on aliexpres and thought it’d be funny to post here