The only songs I need while purging
Shouldn’t there be a skin available on one of the bolt weapons from the Macraggre’s chosen DLC? I can equip it on the sword and i have the pauldron available but none of the bolt guns has this option.
They uploaded it!
You can kill a lictor before it’s ambush in ops. First time I’ve seen it happen in 300+ hours.
Am Incorrect on this, but isn't the chest symbol the rank of a lieutenant? A skull and a sunburst?🤔So are these technically incorrect?
hellbrute aura is so strong that my brother couldn't execute him
6.0 class perk update for Heavy
Oh no you don't.
Hit this execute while trying the Powerfist for the first time and it reminded me of something.
I got noscoped from orbit by the hivemind itself
How comically easy it is to kill zoanthropes as sniper
I put a hormagaunt through a door as a new finisher
Tip of the spear perk
My Custom Black Templar Armor: Drip, or Heresy?
what would you guys think of combi weapons for this game?
Main Heavy PLEASE use it
Is the Auto bolt rifle really that bad?
An Ultramarine and a Black Templar shake hands
Is my vanguard space wolf lore accurate
horde mode then what?
Perfect dodge zoanthrope beam and got hit anyway
Vanguard and Bulwark mains I need your attention!!
Absolute difficulty goes insanely hard
What would Guillimans reaction be if he learned of Titus's incarceration by the inquisition?