In welchen alltäglichen Situationen merkt ihr den Einfluss vom Handy, insbesonders Social-Media, auf uns bzw. unsere Gesellschaft?
Welche Promis haben einen deutlich schlechteren Ruf, als sie verdienen?
Vor dem Biertrinken, sagt man Prost. Was könnte man vor dem Kiffen sagen?
What's youur favorite book to reaad over and over again?
Welche Youtube-Kanäle schaut ihr am meisten?
What was your favorite actors/actresses of the 90s Era?
Was war die heftigste Form von Eifersucht, die ihr je erlebt oder mitbekommen habt?
People who decided to not have kids, what do you do in the whole instead of well, taking care of children?
What became of your bullies, and have you ever forgiven them?
What task is the worst?
What was your best hospital experience?
What’s the one skill you think everyone should learn, no matter their profession or background?
After what words will you realize that you will not get along with a person?
The year is 2040. What new sport is introduced in the Olympic Games?
If there was a species of animal that became conscious to the level that humans are, how do you think we’d react as a species?
What was the worst pain you’ve ever experienced?
Was war eure unheimlichste Erfahrung, sei es durch Einbrüche, seltsame Nachrichten oder andere beunruhigende Erlebnisse?
What ruins a song immediately for you?
You are paired with 100 random humans, if you are better than all of them at something you win a billion dollars, what are you doing ?
What is the dumbest thing you have heard anyone say?
Do you pee in pools? If so, why?
what do hairdressers REALLY think when someone goes too long between haircuts?
Do u want to have kids? Why or why not?
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