Does America truly hate federal employees?
Flustered: Friends who work in the private sector assuming federal employees are lazy
Trump: Federal employees who didn't respond to Musk email are on firing "bubble"
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
Thinking About Moving to OKC
600 civilian employees at Tinker Air Force Base face termination amid workforce shakeup | Broken Arrow Sentinel
This is what he thinks of you!
"600 federal employees at Tinker AFB will be terminated tomorrow morning"
Is it true? Did Oklahoma really make November 5th a Donald Trump Day? Please say it isn’t so.
The Real Purpose of the OPM Email
Is Anyone Else Utterly Exhausted?
Musk says federal worker email meant to spot ‘outright fraud’
Any FSAFEDS experts out there?
Annoyed by Kylie Perkins
Musk says feds must explain what they did last week — or lose their jobs. That's illegal: WaPo story
Working as a federal employee comes with extras now
DLA & Working Capital Funding
How would people react if Obama or Biden, even jokingly, declared himself king?
What’s up with all these plane crashes recently
Bro why…
Would you date yourself? Why or why not?
avery woods
Americans of Reddit, in light of the current political climate between our countries, how do you guys actually feel about us Canadians?