Socially awkward + ugly is the worst combination a woman could have
Coming to terms with not being pretty/ good enough
What helps you cope?
I have attracted men, but only the bad kind
I found a crush
I really hate my birthday
I feel so useless
How is your weekend going?
happy womens day
I wish someone would hold my hand :,)
I'm so ugly no guy will evr find me pretty ):
With that appearance I'll never get a man
How do you cope with so much young people around dating ?
just watched a reel of a therapist essentially addressing faw women as “villains”
Depressed that in this only one life I have, I had to lose the genetic lottery and live a sad life because of it
I wish I could be intimate with a cute boy
What are some lesser known problems that come with being FAW? Especially in different cultures
Is this REALLY how life is for pretty girlies???
eye contact with boys
I don’t regret never having had a romantic relationship for real.
I wanna rip my skin off.
I am so tired of the whole "friendzone" trend
I don't like having to deal with many people in the professional field
Can't stop looking at those who are more blessed than me in life and feeling envious of them