Aegis Gladius weapons issue
Think Mandela effect think
The collection grows
“You can’t park there sir”
Would you rather: Have a two season show that adapts the first two books with 100% accuracy, or a ground up remake of FK/Dominion with hindsight?
First solo travel, JAPAN
who wins Mcragge's Honor or the Executor?
Tier List of Each Episode
Should I just start over
So, Minoxidil works...
Real spinosaurus tooth.. how cool
Where I stand after a year of reading Black Library novels.
What games do you want to see in season 2
Firewatch should’ve included a cloudy and rainy weather setting
So.. is it worth the bother
Need a Chill Group to Game In? Tempestuous Angels is perfect for you!
Is the helmet reward bugged
Stop putting me with the same afk guy
R rated Jurassic park horror film
Spinosaurus tooth necklace
So I’m rewatching lost world and..
294967295 reinforces
I was going through my phone and from 2018 this is my oldest picture.
Angron WIP