the three most underappreciated cultures in fantasy
Mega list of serious (mostly) suggestions (part 3)
She thought!
This line aged poorly
How are you from? I'm from good.
What celebrities are you surprised about being still with us?
make sure you pay attention in geography class
He is just a meme and that's all.
True story…
What have you done to my ship?
this is gonna be interesting
ever sent a nude to the wrong person? what happened, how did they respond?
They never did explain that.
Describe your Sex life using a name of a show
Spoiled brats got their fragile little feelings hurt
Which battle deserves a sequel
Help. My new BF (M43) is trying to get me (F19) addicted to nicotine.
If there was any hope, we can put that to rest.
r8 my fantasy world where men conceive and carry children through the skull. QUESTION: what should I call this new head orifice?
What do these characters have in common? (Game)
Seriously, that’s supposed to be endearing?
My philosophy lecturer said the first student who can convince her the Earth isn’t flat gets an automatic pass for the year. What argument should I use?