College Acceptance rates are lower than you think
Coping with QuestBridge Privilege
My dad's medals. He is no longer with us, and we never had the chance to talk about them. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Middle class ppl who paid full price for Ivy+, was it worth it?
Rice accepts 6% EDII
Which deceased celebrity/public figure was horrible when they were alive, but people treated them like a saint just because they passed away in a tragic or sudden way?
Don’t send the “I deny your rejection” email
I Rd'd everywhere at the request of my parents. Now, I'm terrified I won't be admitted anywhere.
The college decisions process isn’t random
TLDR Kaiser sucks but the E-visit medication request option is really convenient for non-urgent ailments
Army Aviation leadership killed 67 people today
Megathread - 2: DCA incident 2025-01-30
how did y'all convince ur parents to let you go OOS
Prilosec no longer covered. No notification.
RELAX about UChicago gAmInG tHe rAnKinGs
ASU, UOFA, or NAU for Nursing/Pre-Med?
The 4 year scholarship I was guaranteed is being brought down to a 3 year and I can't afford college anymore.
Duke instruction to alumni interviewers
I put in my notice but having conflict with a coworker in my last week
University of California admissions view of HS Calculus
Question about heroin
Overweight doc
Should I withdraw applications for financial aid to better my chances of admission
Should I go to VCU or GMU?