How many of you have approached or asked out a girl?
Seeing everyone else in the world be wanted, while no one even looks at you is genuinely the most draining thing
Can't Sleep Because Of FA
Tired Of Interacting With Girls Who Won't Give Me The Dignity Of A Conversation
If you're a guy, having a girl with you changes everything about you
Things I would have loved to do with my "girlfriend"
"Put yourself out there!"
Teaching children completely ruined any delusions I had about human nature and illuminated so many ugly truths about why people end up alone, bullied, and just beaten down by life
FA lady Co-worker died last week. Everyone already forgot about her.
25F how can I improve? 🥺
How do you even make any meaningful connections today?
It’s interesting how so many people are unhappy in their relationships but stick with it rather than being alone
I can't believe I'm entering my 39th year of FAdom
Are girls just normally not repliers?
The whole 'just be confident' advice in my opinion is very insulting
Has anyone ever told you someone had a crush on you ?
Ghosting Is A Terrible Thing To Do To Someone
“Sex isn’t that important”
This is the most awful time of the year
Everyday I wake up and see a serial killer get more love than me
Society hates it when autistic men desire romance
I want to give her another try
Christmas just don't feel the same anymore
Do you go out to bars alone?
Have women ever showed interest in you?