What metal song do you believe to be 100% perfect?
I cant believe my eyes... but it's true!
Favorite gojira song ?
Tool added to the Back to the Beginning lineup!
Which basslines are your favourites?
Let's flip the trend over. Popular bands that you hate for some reason. mine below
Who’s seeing this?
I like this kinda stuff, what else should I listen to
Best of jens
My collection so far, what do you guys think?
What y’all think of this behemoth shirt?
My drawing of Layne
Best value for money metal festivals? My vote goes to Alcatraz
Based on my top 100, would we get along?
Getting back into metal music from today after 12 years. So i am listening one album every day for 100 days. Today i am listening Sepultura Arise album. Can you suggest 6 more albums for 6 days. (Not Metallica and something heavy).
Why am I so saggy at 26 and how do I fix it?
Name an album with no ‘bad’ or skippable songs. I’ll start:
What are you listening to today?
Giveaway Round 2! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs & DVDs.
What is the most metal album in your possession?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs and DVDs.
What’s your favorite non metal song
Albums that arent metal but feel metal as fuck?
Bands you love that are very different from your typical listening taste?
Favourite non-metal bands formed by metal musicians?