Fallen Embers day 8: Worst song? First time wins most overrated
Surely they are Siblings
If I’m not the greatest at math is this not it for me?
For you, which champion is the most terrifying when fed?
Apartment near Hau
Put your top 3 most played champs and let people make assumptions about you
Kkona moment
May I know if this is the correct lock for the logitech g502? cuz my ribbon cable lock broke
Pxn V900 Pedal Issue
Does Fl Studio uses Single core or Multi core (Multithread)
Next time would be more thrilling
Wdyt of my remake of DLMD illenium
Image Line Be Like ::
Which one is better
I edited Kokomi as a short haired waifu
Shimenawa Or Heart Of Depth?
Planning to change one Axie because of Arena, any ideas?
Amd Ftpm cause Winload.efi error code 0xc00000e9
What is the difference between a spoiler guy and a spoiled child?
Egg tao
Can u guys explain how am I wrong here?
Lvl 90 Noblesse domain Bug where the abyss mage does not take any damages| Co-op, No lag|