Im glad this community exists but man does it get weirdly debilitating
As a user, do you prefer smooth scrolling on promotional websites?
CEO Wants Orange
AIO that my husband was disgusted by me not wanting to work out without my headphones?
What is it about the UX market that makes it so tough?
Im 24 is it too late?
im about to lose my fucking mind
Never done public photography before so this was a bit out of my comfort zone
IS there are name for this kind of scrolling effect? Where static texts on one side gets highlighted as you scroll on the other side
All I had was my iPhone 8, but I couldn’t pass up the shot. I asked, ‘If I give you $10, can I take your photo?’ He smiled and said, ‘Give me a penny, and it’s yours.’ Somewhere in NYC years ago.
How Many of You Still Get to Work Remote?
Formula 1 drivers face race bans for swearing or criticising FIA - BBC Sport
Tech billionaires want to ‘overthrow democracy’ with social media, Spain PM Sánchez says
Robotic glove helps pianists boost finger speed and skill in just 30 minutes | The exoskeleton allowed each finger to move on its own, helping participants practice fast, complex finger movements they hadn’t tried before.
Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally
What is this interaction called, and how to pull this off in framer?
Why use grids, columns and rows - when I have auto-layout?
'We will not hesitate': Canada prepares to hit U.S. with billions in tariffs
I just received a Design assignment for a job interview - a Whole Landing page Design and development. It's seems too much for an assignment, What do you think ?
Feedback on my website redesign
Which one is better ?
Help me, someone without CPTSD, understand and help my boyfriend
Woman sucked into airport baggage carousel after fall as staff watch in horror
Gradients broke when importing svg designed in illustrator to figma. How to fix this conversion without re positioning all the gradients in figma again?? Spent two weeks on this illustration
In between state of typing.