So how many people still think it's gunna hit $1
Destroying my dream life in slow motion
How is this vintage 80’s Dior shirt a size XL? It was my mum’s. I’m wearing it in the picture and I’m a modern XS/US 0-2 and it fits me.
Which hair color suits me best? Black v blonde
Biggest Pet Peeve
Any legit hobbies for a depressed young adult?
I Plan On Taking My Life After New Year
Korymanx is a racist & the fact this pic recent. Wow. Looking like the episode of “wrong turn” post more pics below !!
This is fucking awful. Whoever hurt Amanda Bynes needs to burn in hell forever
Goodwill Fine’s 🩷✝️
women of reddit who were a teen in around the late 2000s early 2010s what brands did you wear the most in your youth?