Any recommendations for paint regarding a reptile enclosure?
This subreddit ain’t big enough for the two of us
I am having trouble figuring out what to do about this. I have what I think are mites in my bioactive crested gecko tank. Any recommendations on what to do? I also have gnats but I can deal with those since they won't really kill my plants and cuc.
high prey drive O_O
This really works!
Trialing my maranta inside hoping my cats leave it alone. Forgot how big this thing is!
What's that on my philo
What would their band name be?
roast him he was missing since yesterday
What do you think the babies will look like and be worth
What do I name the creature
I can't take these gnats anymore. Anyone got any tips?
gets new enclosure, immediately shits everywhere and sleeps in it
So exited about my first custom background
does anyone else have a flighty crestie and if so how did you tame him/her?
Why is my birds nest fern dying?
Tell me ur favorite Crustacean (as an animal, not to eat)
Fern gameophytes growing throughout terrarium. Idk where they came from, but these materials are from outside and we have a ton of ferns in FL
Have I killed this? :(
Not a tillandsia, ik. Has anyone grown resurrection fern *succesfully*? They grow wild here but just like t. recurvata, I cannot get them to grow for the life of me in my setup (outdoor pool screen enclosure). It make a no sense.
Peperomia Obtusifolia trailing like this? Is this normal?
Confused. What is this?
Is this tank good for a first time baby crestie?