Racism on Chess.com
If I invest £4000 into a lifetime ISA in March, would I still get £1000 from the government as I’m still investing in this tax year?
Why are people happy that Luigi shot and killed the CEO of United Healthcare?
3rd Year Update - Under 30 and hit that 1Mill figure! Net wealth 1.19M, Salary 450k, FIRE Target 2M (80k/year) at 35
What happens to people who get caught violating fair play rules.
Luigi Mangione old photos
Is it still possible to become good at chess later in life?
Is a 3:50 marathon possible
Is there a way to withstand the 800F temperature on mercury?
Henry promotions
Milestone reached: Stocks and Shares ISA
Milestone Reached - £50K! This return rate won't last, so I might as well celebrate a little. Next stop £100K!
4 Year Investing Journey
What's a frugal thing you still do despite being HENRY?
My chess club told me it is near impossible to reach 1600 fide rating due to my age.
Gta 7 in New York again?
Premium bond or stocks and shares
How much money would I need, to be able to turn it into 2k per month? (After tax)
Curious to know if any HENRYs have had any major financial set backs? Bad investments or divorce
How is my portfolio doing after a year of investing?
The media needs to be more responsible when publishing stories like this
Many of you probably fly business class from time to time, but have you ever paid for it personally and why?
Soldier get ready, Resistance Fall Of Man and Resistance 2 arrives today on PS4 and PS5, watch out for the Chimera 🫡
24 - Need some advice…
UK salary question