Is this a full frontal tragedeigh?
What is this?
I wonder who donated these….
Thoughts on restoring this…
Cheapest storage unit in RI?
Rhode Island Energy is a joke
Anyone retire at 50 or younger with one million or less? How did it go?
Wild Quaker names
Today’s estate sale haul. For $375, I’m ok calling it beginners luck.
1 hour commute to make 150k per year
22M, Nurse. First paycheck of 2025
I would love help dating this portrait?
Easiest RN job with least amount of patient contact?
I am stoked!
Tell me the tragedeigh version of your names.
New year new kitty !!! Help me name her. Something cosmic since her eyes are giving the stars
Light eyece please….
I just found this on Pinterest
went to my Nana’s house and she said “is this that stuff you collect?” chat, it was in fact the stuff i collect
This vase belonged to my grandfather, then my dad, and now me.
From Facebook…
Today’s antiquing haul ✨
What would you name this little gentleman?
I’ve been bottlefeeding this baby girl from a week old and still can’t come up with a name!
Catch n Release