Right wing militias are much more organized and ready for war then we thought
IYO, Which Protestant Denomination is the Most Toxic?
Right wing militias in the United States are on the rise...by a lot
The problem with religion in the United States
What would it take for socialists to truly organize and attempt to overthrow the ruling class?
JUST IN: Neil Cavuto is leaving Fox News .. His last day is reportedly today.
Why does the left hate Elon Musk so much?
So it's cool when they do it right?
Very "normal" behavior here, NOT
Musk Kills Government Funding Deal, Demands Shutdown Until Trump Is Sworn In
I Don't Think Kylie Knew Hitler's Mom.
I had to see this so now you have to see this.
I hope Trump shuts down this Hollywood garbage and show as well !!!
Do they ever stop? 😂😂
Tennessee hemp industry makes last-minute legal bid to halt rules banning popular products
What song is this for you? For me it’s “1000 Blunts” 💀💀
Antifa United recognized as extremists in Russia
I know water is wet, but jesus it’s just out in the open these days, isn’t it?
Justin Pearson rejoins the Tennessee house of representatives, after MAGA Nazis tried and failed to get rid of him
I’ve repented and I’m moving on with my life outside of fear and living in sin. And you can do the same. The Holy Spirit is at the door right now. All you have to do is open the door and let him in. In Jesus name. Amen.
[Game Thread] College Football Playoff Outlook & Hypotheticals
Well someone's house is getting TP'd this year.
Doing a 2nd half is too much work for TEN
Week 4 Post-Game Thread - Saints vs Vikings
Opinions on Richard Dawkins?
Here we go again.