How to say GUINEA PIG?
Is bible infallible?
Masculine or Feminine for a single word?
Equivalent of “mate” or “babe” in Spanish?
Why do you think Joshua’s ex wife burnt his clothes?
There's a Friends reference here
What flag is this?
Why Nordic countries agreed on same cross style flag?
Warship attendance in Europe
When they're not solo play, 18-Hole Cups are such a slog
Any jokes you didn't get because you weren't old enough?
Question about a same sounding word
Added Roman Empire to Animation! Top comment adds next flag
Hypothtical: How do you think a Pheobe & Ross relationship would work?
Why the A
When I was 13 I said god wasn't real in 14 now and im Catholic am I going to hell
My daughter is converting to Judaism
What was Aragorn doing during his 86-7 years before the trilogy?
Pc for geo guessr?
Looking for filler word for "yeah?" or "right?" in the context of the following:
does "dar a luz" make sense if used to say "to give birth"
Please help!! These Reflexive Verbs are hard!
is it possible to learn spanish without learning the rules?
Am I actually wrong here?
De+Verb? (Not other way around)