If this were a camo pattern what would you call it
Enough about your favorite camo — whats a camouflage that upsets you?
Suited up for grocery shopping.
What are you using for each?
Camo ID
Looking for DPM
What is your favourite Multi Terrain Camo Pattern
MTP Combat Smock
Camo Opinion for lush green
Camo id?
Stitchback EX60
TAZ 83 Alpenflage Field Shirt
What’s a good website for pants and field jackets?
this tree blends bad here, need to introduce this sub to it
Kryptek mandrake woodland, A-tacs moss or russian EMR in central Eu
Bundewehr parka sizing
I have a taz-57 and a Flektarn field shirt but I can't wear em
British DPM Jacket sleeves feel short??
Whats your guys favorite camo mixup?
French CCE question
Following the guys Penntarn post I present! Washingcam
What other camos do I need?
Greek lizard trouser sizeing
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