I'm like a kid on Christmas today
Dragon Quest 8 remake
You ever see this before??
TFE bingo card.
How do FErs think volcanoes work?
Found this in Xbox 360 version, is it rare?
Just when you think you've found the dumbest flat earther a new challenger arises
Spreading some truth.
What's The Best Minecraft Utility Item? Ex: Armor, Weapons, Tools, Tool-like Items (Compasses, Clocks, etc)
Ah yes... Environmental Storytelling
Now my Slime Vita has a friend!
I just started playing 5 days ago and today I built myself a little house in a village I stumbled upon 🥹
Help dealing a moon denier.
Laughed way to hard.
What's a game series you'd like to see make a comeback, but you don't think will ever happen?
Jeranism's statement regarding TFE and all the hate he has received for simply telling the truth.
Lord Flerf Gets Rekt Live
I think this belongs here (take that, Flerfers)
It's possible to sail from India to the US in a straight line
Good demonstration of umbra and penumbra using actual sunlight. Next time a flerf is incredulous that shadows can narrow as they do in an eclipse, show them this.
800+ Days of Ground to Globelessness
What's your favorite mechanic in any kh game? Pic unrelated (or is it?)
"You cannot use evidence"
Would you trust an FE surgeon?