I finished my first ever sousplat
Do you guys read multiple books at once?
This is so you're, but well I'm a beginner
First Tunisian blanket done
I finally finished my giant granny square
What are your favourite patterns for a baby blanket using variegated yarn?
Poinsettia and Ferns
I have a question that's been bugging my mind for years now. Can you help me?
Omg, I finally finished my first ever granny-square 🧶
I need help with these exercises
I want to crochet a mat for my car, but I'm having trouble with the shapes
Se vi povus havi unu filmon dublitan en Esperanto, kiu ĝi estus.
Música em inglês
Trying to decide which nose/mouth to give! Which is cutest?
A question about gender
Did anyone else start with crochet, learn how to knit, and then abandon crochet pretty much altogether?
My borders are uneven, can someone please help me?
Si vous pouviez réouvrir un resto ou un commerce qui a fermé à Québec, lequel ce serait?
My first ever crochet project
Which languages have sparked your interest recently?
10 Fun Facts About Cupcakkia Falls
[japanese > English] Japanese word for calligraphy
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your social life?
What is the proper word for "Calligraphy"?
12-segment display