Any good Sinatra songs about loss (specifically death)
Am I the only one who prefers the Bootleg Series Vol. 14 recordings over the original Blood on the Tracks album?
Jazz City
What’s Frank Sinatra’s most majestic song?
Has your taste in Bob Dylan's music evolved over the years?
Looking to join the club
Best Dylan walking home at night song?
Do you guys consider Frank Sinatra a jazz singer?
Who’s missing and who would you take away to keep keep the 9-count?
What long Dylan song will you never skip once it comes on?
"Greatest vocalist" doesn't matter, what vocalist resonates with YOU the most?
Frankie Lee & Judas Priest
Best Love Song
just got dumped, what should I do Boston?
Anyone else have this? A pretty wild recording even if audio is not the greatest...
I genuinely think my obsession over Frank Sinatra has gone too extreme. What do I do?
Bob was the lead singer of the Wilburys
10 minute jazz song with the word blue in the title.
I need some recommendations...
Men’s Leather Gloves
It’s Doom alone that counts
Anybody got any Dylan songs they DONT like?
What is the hardest and most technically difficult song Frank Sinatra has ever recorded?
My Spotify Wrapped (A little bit late)
Everytime I happen to glance at the cover of Nashville Skyline, I have to stop myself from thinking it is a 'play' button.