What a way to start the game
Let’s have some fun, do y’all worst
What a bloody save
squirrels then death
What’s a game that makes you gamble more then you thought
What’s a game that you avoided for a long time but when you finally played it your like “Why did I avoid this”?
What’s character you hated that you like now
Ppl trying to hard
“Behold the g” SHUT UP!!!
public execution
Jefficide 5k
Tell me something that most Dragon ball fans or me don’t know about and I’ll let you in
Tekken 6 Paul ending be like
King 101
Ask me a Dragon Ball question and then edit it to make me look bad
Tier list by me
My Tier list on MHA Characters (Sorry if it might offend someone out there)
tier list on people I like
Whta does my top 10 say about me?
Ask me any question about Tekken then change it to make me look bad
Whats your hot take on Tekken 8?
Games with a plot twist that so bullshit it makes no sense