Do you constantly take vitamin B12?
Cabt remember a vegan YouTuber I used to watch
Savory bagel
I wonder how many people just throw these out
Cruelty-free perfume dupes
Judge me
Let me have it
Freedom....It must taste sweet
What does my fridge say about me?
I saw this on Instagram and thought it belonged here.
What do y’all do w/ old jam jars?
Doctors do not understand veganism.
Pizza pocket
Sexy vegan foods
Beans on toast
What does my Fridge say about me?
Vegan crack???
Ok I hope I won’t regret this..
Would you still be vegan?
My friend is claiming he is vegan and it makes me angry
Canceling your Amazon Prime membership is different from closing your Amazon account.
What do you guys eat when sick?
Lonely sunfish appears to be cheered up by cardboard cutouts of people
the carnivore diet makes no sense to me at all and lowkey dangerous