$1100 wig, did I get ripped off?
Do a lot of people in America talk to random people and start a conversation on Public Transportation?
Best London neighbourhoods for lodging as a first-time visitor?
What part of the books did the TV miss that they should have included?
Give the worst boy names you can think of
Meal ideas that involve a can of corn.
What is everyone's recommendation?
Reminder before you panic seeing a bunch of kids enter the transfer portal tomorrow
What are some American foods you’ve made foreign friends fans of?
Are you a left seater or a right side of church seater?
Are there good sidewalks/bike paths where you live?
Uncharitable towards my boss?
Offering up a rosary for suffering.
Very odd question: Is there any place you won't pray?
What is your favorite winter fragrance?
Any fragrance where you don't pick up some note which everyone else does?
Your favorite Christmas perfume?
Do most Brits feel this way?
What Popular Perfume Do You Think Is The Dregs(Worst)?
What are some perfumes that get complimented by women?
What’s something you absolutely refuse to tolerate in life?
What concert/performance was so bad, that you actually stopped being a fan?
No title needed...
The US is home to some amazing Natural Wonders. If you could trade one of them for a non-American Natural Wonder, which would they be and why?
What do you do on Thanksgiving/what are your traditions?