What games are most suitable for playing while listening to podcasts?
Probably the most depressing Marathi movie even made
Tell me your favorite Marathi Youtube channels.
What other hobbies are similar to Diamond Painting/Zentagle/Paint By numbers ?
Which is this beauty?
Backseat Comforts: How do you survive long car rides? Anyone have any tips or must-have accessories to make the ride more enjoyable?
I am seriously amazed
The new IVECO is bugged... Every time you enter or exit a depot, ferry or your own garage it does this stop and go dance
Trash cans instead of glasses. Is this a joke, or are the developers a little bit lazy? (West Balkans)
Magnus Carlsen paid 127.45% of his income as tax in 2022, due to Norwegian "wealth tax".
Blinkit rider near miss today [OC]
Behold the most useless roof rack ever
Customer vs Bank Employees over TDS deduction
Bro proved that he himself has earned the Bentley !!
Looking for good quality pyjama/ track pants
last post delet keli mazi :(
I almost had a heart attack.
Driving at night has become a lot harder now than it was 10 years ago, I remember driving Alto with halogen bulbs and not getting blinded
If you could drive a truck anywhere in the world after ETS2 and ATS, which continent would you choose?
So guys, what do you think of my military-style transport truck?
Market Gir Gayi !! She also knows the condition of Market !!
हीच ती वेळ का
What could go wrong walking by unlit road at night. A man was hit by a truck and then run over by two more cars.
What is going to happen to Ladki Bahin Yojana Now ? Do they continue it for 5 years ? is it an actual burden on economy or not ?
मी आमदार होऊ शकतो का?