Brachypelma boehmei
3d printed enclosure for Etymotic IEM, incorporating a 64Audio Apex ventilation module
Can anyone tell me what this tastes like?
Returned my Hifiman Edition XS for the Arya Stealth.... but I can't listen to them!
Impression of the PEQ I set for my HiFiMAN Arya Stealth V3s?
What snake? Can I safely remove?
Update to the hognose that was biting himself
My custom smile cassette tape
[WTB] [US-CA] [H] PayPal, Venmo, Local cash [W] Hifiman Arya
3LAU Rebranding as Justin Blau
[Info] Scammer Alert - u/johnnydarkoo
This little nick is driving me insane
Found frog at Home Depot
Robber Cry
[WTS][US-OH][H] Topping E30 II/L30 II, 7Hz Timeless, Moondrop Golden Age, Topping HS02 [W] PayPal
HELP my hog nose is attacking himself!
[USA-CA][H] Paypal, local cash [W] Nvidia RTX 4090 or 5080
[USA-CA] [H] Cash / PayPal [W] 5080 or 5090 Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme Water Force WB purchased from Micro Center
[USA-CA] [H] PayPal, Local Cash [W] 5080
[USA-NY][H]PayPal/Local Cash [W] Broken graphic cards,laptops, gaming consoles and more
US stocks drop after Trump says he won’t rule out a recession
Got my 200th Starscream in the mail yesterday!
[WTB] [US-CA] [H] Venmo, PayPal, Local Cash [W] Cheap but powerful amp
This price difference from the hd560s makes the hd505se release a bit weird imo
(USA) Let's see those Carbon 570S Spiders!