Mega Man V/Mega Man 5 GB is one of my favourites in the series so I drew this toon styled tribute to it!
Revisited an old sketch from a few years back. Team Gator Gang is in for it now... [OC]
Felt like drawing Kingambit again, so I did. Genuinely one of my favourite designs. [OC]
Game night at Wily's! Busted out my markers for this. ^^
I live in the US. Here’s our new go-to coffee. Keep it up, friends!
Badly describe your favourite Pokemon
I can't take it anymore!!! Please talk about someone else! Remember Oliver?
What’s one little detail that irks you? The little curl, I just wanna pull it out 💀
What line in any Mega Man series has you like this?
Some more pics of the Rotom Tamagotchi !
Konata after not surviving,,,
Best outfit in the game, I REALLY wish I could keep it
Pokemon really needs to stop with the Ice types
Sinnoh Staples
(SPS) Sorry, but PMD is Dead
1000 members! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who joined! 💙💜💜🩷
What Pokémon should have gotten an evolution but never did?
When I was younger, I thought the symbol on Waluigi's hat was a lowercase R, not an inverted L. Has anyone else thought this?
Pokémon games have become consistently ugly, and it's alright to wish they weren't
Happenes to the best of us
The original Bioshock still holds up to this day
What's a song you feel as if you HAVE to see live someday? For me it's definitely Kokoro
What's everyones favorite gen 9 pokemon?
Keep Cancelling Travel to US
What is this??????????