Which is the safest option?
What game is this?
Give me a character and I’ll tell you their Disaster Level (OPM)
Give me anyone or anything that can beat Goku, and I'll rate it out of 100.
If I was a color what color would I be?
Does anyone else use the same nose and cockpit except just modify them for each fighter?
Shield shenanigans... (Testing the different color palettes for the kind of shield we never see outside of builder mode.)
Choose ONE!
After Two-days of binge-watching ScapMan on YT, I decided to download the game and have a go myself. This is my first Airplane design; I call it the FA-812 Prop-Duster (Specs on last slide)
What do you think of my human-guided missile?
built a hospital ship & SAR, how'd I do?
Built aircraft carrier. What you think?
Comment your hours on Trailmakers (I got 333 hours)
What's the battle pass skin you wish you had but missed out on?
Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R!
Describe me in two words...
Rate my miniatures
If you pick anything above 5, we can’t be friends 🙃
Guys IDK What to make.
Are you?
average bomb testing experience