+44kg pistol squat. When you're too lazy to squat properly
An old clip of me learning Chopin 😄 Not clean, but at least I was hitting the notes!
Lat raises. 10kg too heavy for me?
Which country do you keep visiting?
Listening skills frustration
Ending my relationship after solo travel!
Low volume, High Frequency - yet all we here is moar Volume. please debunk this?
How much do you all OHP and how many years did it take to get there?
first time benching 100kg raw
How important is frequency when weekly volumes equated?
180kg deadlift @ 65kg. Did I have more in me?
Going from gym to bodyweight
Lebanese people behavior post war.
Muscle up as target this year
How important is muscle size to get static skills?
+20kg rope climb
How to say "so", when you want to tell "so, I will comeback tomorrow"
Name of this Ukrainian song?
Name of this beautiful traditional song?
22 chinups. I want to do 30 one day
Back Squat 190kg at 69kg
Basement Bodybuilding: “Get a deep stretch” is the most overrated and misunderstood concept I’ve ever seen
This stuff we do is not that hard(?)
Pull Ups, Systemic Fatigue and Soreness
Henle ratings nonsense or what?