My manager rushes towards my desk to see what I am doing. Is this normal?
Am I the only one who finds her attractive?
PLA Meta: Throwing in the Towel
Since when £10 the normal price for a tube of toothpaste at Tesco?
Does anyone know anyone pro Trump?
3D Printed Flawless Blades
A swastika keyed onto a WankPanzer at Colorado Mills Mall in Lakewood
Every time
Inquisitor Draxus Proxy - FDM print with Speedpaints
Inquisitrix Coralia t'Eriex (Inquisitor Draxus proxy)
May you spare your support settings?
Squidmar's latest video is horrifically misleading
Settings updated. Airbrush acquired.
Playing Standard Ranges is the New Nit?
Some primed models I've recently printed for my growing Imperial Agents army. Link to settings in the comments, should anyone like to try them.
Oh yeah? Well I know a bloke who reads a book a week.
Bloat Drone
This is a big bag of drugs
New Eurocamp in City Centre
What movie has an opening scene that makes you cry?
“A little word that I think is important in management called morale..”
My go with those new settings from ObscuraNox
Elysia 8 Fortress Precent 8
Which 3D printer is actually worth it in 2025?
Comparison Model