Greatest Machine Gunner Of All Time - John Basilone
Found a big piece of trash to mag dump into
F-35 coming to DCS!!!!!
What's movie is the most quoted in your family?
Anyone own both a Glock 17 & 19? How much easier is the 19 to conceal than the 17?
New rifle. What do you all think?
A classic from St Andre’s Golf
How to sit while carrying?🪑
“Snake Eater” Custom Harness
What's an EDC item that used to be popular but isn't anymore?
8-Bit Carry
(Serious) What is your favorite Marine Corps painting, Artwork, or photo?
Good order and discipline
Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Gray, being briefed on Desert Shield operations aboard the USS Nassau. The last picture shows him on an M60 tank in Saudi Arabia, speaking with Marines 1991
Anybody else carry mace as well?
Vets, life after the corps
Total Noob looking to get started in DCS
Favourite DCS Module
What is a boot thing you still do?
Virpil throttle or Logitech x56
Grandfather’s Ribbon Stack- war story and background in comments
XL Hesco 210 in Ferro carrier fit question
My simple shooting setup
It's Saturday Boys. Go Touch Grass
This is the Craziest Glade I Have Ever Made